Saturday, May 14, 2011

Chicken Fried Steak and Mashed Potatoes

Travis love chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. It is his favorite meal. I am sure this is common among men in Texas. Tonight I went with the recipe from the Pioneer Woman cookbook. My mom bought her cookbook awhile back, and now I try to cook from it as often as I can, which comes out to about once every two weeks or so.

Quick admiration for The Pioneer Woman... her life sounds amazing, cows, cooking, gardening, photos... check out her website and she will make you want to get in touch with your pioneer side. And her recipes have a picture for EACH step! This is amazing for someone like me who went to college knowing how to make maybe 5 or 6 dishes. And by dished I mean mac and cheese, grilled chicken, oatmeal, cereal, grilled cheese. Those types of "dishes". Anyways, I everything I have tried from her cookbook or website has been a hit at our house.

Tonight - Chicken Fried Steak and Mashed Potatoes, Travis also made green beans that were delicious!

Here is the exact recipe from Pioneer Woman
And here are some pictures from our dinner tonight. It was my first time to photograph food. I think it is easier than photographing children.

Didn't get a picture of the chicken fried steak, it was gone so quick!


  1. Sounds delicious! The Pioneer Woman! I love her website! The food always looks so good!
