To say my girls love tents is an understatment. I would have never thought throwing a blanket over us and holding it up with my hands would bring so much joy to my kiddos. Ruth's imagination is running wild so I decided to make her a table tent.
This was my inspiration.
It is from Make It and Love It
I followed the tutorial at Make It and Love It, but I did not do any embellishing. I didn't even do a window... maybe I will add that later I just wanted to get it into play mode!
I will post pictures of my finsihed product later. My goal is just to get started today during nap time.
Ok here is mine... again not as girly, but it works.
This is her, "I am having so much fun, I can't smile" face.
And why yellow and brown? Well this called for lots of fabric. I usually do not buy this much at a time, but this was handed down to me from my mom, I think it made either a dinosaur or M&M costume.
Yes, the post is very much attached by the table tent template printing content.